The first important issue is to check your credit card. I mean to check the balance, the ability to buy in another country. You never know what you will buy. The statistics shows that there are more than 800 customer services in Europe, but it is important to give them in advance where you will stay. Nobody wants to be run out of money in the middle of the journey.
Another interesting note is to bargain no matter where you will go. There are some cities like London, France, Vienna etc. where the life is very expensive and as a tourist you might have this ability to get a discount. Don't worry most of the unfixed stores would like to make “business” with you.
Consider the tip giving as something normal in Europe. In fact some countries don` consider public tipping as a good thing, make it privacy. About the restaurants and cafes there are different prices, varying from 10 to 12 Euros.
Last, but not least is to check for hot deals, especially for accommodation. From my point of view I can say that the vacation rental in Barcelona was very cheap, something like 700 Euro per month.
Have in mind these small details if you are planning to make a Eurotrip.
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