Is London the Best Place For Investment?

This is a topic that will be under investigation for a long time. London government plans to make the “capital” the most well equip place for living and invest for the next 10 years. The project “London 2022” has as a main target to low the taxes and put financial injection in the main sphere – banking, tourism, education and sports. Don`t watch these days London with “close eyes” because everything will reflect positive on the future. The financial system is very
harsh these days with taxes on salaries over 20% and really high standard of living.
Definitely London is a good place for investment during the next few months. Why? The answer is simple, because of the Olympic Games which are in progress. According to the information London will spend more than 800 million pounds to build the new stadium, to settle the athletes village area and so forth. For sure, this is a big test for the people there to meet the crowd environment in a couple of months. Especially, the flats for Olympics 2012. Of course, not everything is that “pink”, because to run a business in UK need a lot of documentation, legislations etc. Also, the competition is crucial in some sphere like housing, cleaning and communication. If I have enough money totally will take advantage from the landlords and rent some Olympic London accommodations. Who said that sports cannot you bring money, even if you are not a players.


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